Saturday 16 November 2019

Knowing the signs for early detection on World Diabetes Day


(WBNG) — The Tioga Health Department says diabetes is on the rise in the United States and is sharing tips on what to watch out for and how to get help for early detection.
Diabetes is a sneaky disease that stops your body from producing enough insulin, which is a hormone that allows glucose in the blood to enter cells and essentially give it energy.

There are Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is more commonly found in juveniles while Type 2 is more commonly found in adults. However, experts say knowing what to watch out for can help with early detection, such as fatigue and significant weight loss.

“A classic sign that someone might have diabetes is that they’re constantly thirsty and that’s going to lead to frequent urination,” said Tioga County Public Health Educator, Kylie Holochak. “If someone notices they’ve been drinking more lately or urinating more, that might be a sign that they need to go talk with their healthcare provider.”

Holochak says the earlier you can get detected for diabetes, the sooner you can get medical help or change your lifestyle to save your life.

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