Thursday 20 October 2022

5 tips to help lower cholesterol


For a lot of people, the word ‘cholesterol’ might stir up feelings of fear or worry because of its association with medical conditions like heart disease and stroke. But not all cholesterol is bad – in fact, we need a healthy level of it to stay alive.

In many cases, a raised cholesterol level is simply an important indicator that we need to make some healthy adjustments to our lifestyle – and making these positive changes can make a world of difference.

However, some people are naturally more prone to developing high cholesterol due to genetics and may require medication. Below, we’ll explore everything cholesterol is and offer five tips that can help you maintain it at a healthy level.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which circulates in our blood. It’s responsible for producing hormones and vitamin D, as well as supporting digestion, so we need it to stay healthy.

However, having too much cholesterol can clog up our arteries and put us at greater risk of health issues, including heart disease and stroke.

Cholesterol comes from two sources. There’s the cholesterol that our livers produce naturally, and the dietary cholesterol found in some foods, for example, in meat and dairy products.

There are also two main types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Lipoproteins are formed from fat and proteins.

  • HDL is known as the ‘good cholesterol’ because it helps get rid of excess cholesterol produced by our diet, so that less ends up in the arteries.
  • LDL is known as the ‘bad cholesterol’ because it’s transferred to the arteries. Here, it can begin to build up into a plaque known as atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of heart attack or stroke.

It’s also important to be aware of triglycerides, which are the most common type of fat found in our bodies. A high level of triglyceride paired with low HDL (good cholesterol) and high LDL (bad cholesterol) can exacerbate the build-up of plaque in artery walls, further increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

What are the warning signs of high cholesterol?

Typically, there aren’t any warning signs or symptoms of having high cholesterol. This is why it’s important to get your cholesterol levels checked regularly and to take precautions early. For those with a family history of high cholesterol, this is especially true, as you may be at a greater risk of developing it yourself.

If your cholesterol reaches high levels, it can lead to coronary artery (heart) disease, which may cause symptoms including chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, feeling faint, and extreme fatigue. While everyone presents symptoms differently, if you’re experiencing any of the above, it’s important to see your doctor straight away.

How can I get my cholesterol levels checked?

It’s recommended that all adults have a cholesterol test every five years, despite your age or how healthy you may feel. 

A cholesterol check involves a simple blood test. Your doctor should also check your triglyceride levels because, as we’ve discussed, these affect your cardiovascular health too.

The test will measure your total cholesterol, HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol), and triglyceride levels. If your result only tells you your total cholesterol levels, you can request a full breakdown from your doctor or nurse.

Other tests can also be performed alongside a cholesterol test to give an overall result of your cardiovascular health and determine your risk of certain health issues. These include a blood pressure test and a BMI test. Combined, the results from these tests will reveal whether lifestyle changes are adequate or whether you require treatment.

You can get your cholesterol tested at your local GP clinic or health centre, as well as at some gyms and leisure centres. Cholesterol tests should be offered to everyone aged between 40 and 70 as part of your regular NHS health check. 

However, if you’re concerned about your cholesterol – for example, if you’re overweight or if high cholesterol runs in your family – you can request a test from your local GP surgery at any time.

You can find your local GP surgery using this tool from the NHS. Or, to learn more about the cholesterol testing process, check out this NHS page.

What is a healthy cholesterol level?

In the UK, cholesterol levels are measured in millimoles per litre (mmol/L). You should always ask your doctor or nurse what a healthy range for your cholesterol levels should be because it can vary from person to person.

Below is a general guide to healthy cholesterol levels, as advised by the NHS…

ResultHealthy level
Total cholesterol5 or below
HDL (good cholesterol)1 or above
LDL (bad cholesterol)3 or below
Non-HDL (bad cholesterol)4 or below
Triglycerides2.3 or below

What factors can affect cholesterol levels?

There are certain factors that can affect cholesterol levels. Some of these include unhealthy lifestyle habits such as a diet high in saturated fat, lack of physical activity, smoking, stress, and weight gain (especially around your midsection).

However, there are also other factors that can lead to high cholesterol which can’t be controlled. For example, high LDL cholesterol levels can sometimes be inherited. This genetic condition is known as familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and it affects a person’s ability to get rid of LDL cholesterol. For tips and advice on how to manage FH, you might like to have a read of this article from the FH Foundation.

Other factors that can affect cholesterol levels include age, gender, ethnic background, whether you have kidney or liver disease, and whether or not you suffer from an underactive thyroid gland.

5 tips to help lower cholesterol

1. Try to maintain a healthy weight

Research shows that being overweight can affect our cardiovascular health because along with contributing to high blood pressure and increased blood glucose and insulin levels, it can also lead to high cholesterol.

According to Heart UK, losing just 10% of your body fat can help to lower cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood pressure levels, as well as the risk of developing diabetes and of some forms of cancer. If you’re not sure whether you’re overweight, you can check using this BMI calculator on the NHS website.

If you do think that you need to lose some weight, then it’s important to remember that small steps can go a long way. Practising portion controlincreasing your activity levels, and avoiding sugary and fatty snacks can make a huge difference.

It can also be helpful to view weight loss (with an overall view to becoming healthier) as an exciting, transformative stage in your life that’ll help you to become the best version of yourself. Often, the slower and more sustainable this journey is, the less likely you are to have to repeat any lifestyle changes again in the future.

We have plenty of great advice on losing weight and leading a healthy lifestyle over on the health section of our website. Or, if you’d like a more involved approach, why not take a look at the weight loss coaching programme which is available through our website?

2. Eat a healthy and balanced diet

Reduce the amount of saturated and trans fat you’re eating

When it comes to dieting for healthy cholesterol levels, the most important thing you can do is to reduce the amount of saturated fat and trans fats you eat and replace them with healthier unsaturated fats.

This is because a diet high in saturated fat and trans fats can increase the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) in your bloodstream and these can block up arteries.

Foods high in saturated fat include animal fats like butter, fatty meat, and full-fat dairy products like cream and cheese. Some animal products like meat and dairy also contain trans fats, but artificial trans fats are most commonly found in lots of processed foods like packaged cookies and cakes, crisps and crackers, and fried foods.

Unsaturated ‘healthy’ fats, however, are found mainly in foods like vegetable oils, fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds. The omega-3 found in some of these foods containing unsaturated fats (for example, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, and walnuts, flaxseeds, and canola oil) also brings many health benefits and can help prevent and treat heart disease and stroke.

To reduce the amount of trans and saturated fat you eat, consider swapping out cuts of fatty red meat with leaner alternatives. For example, you could have a chicken breast without the skin, cook with olive oil rather than butter, and snack on nuts (like cashews and almonds) instead of cake and biscuits.

You can find some further guidance on swapping saturated and trans fats for healthier alternatives on the NHS website.

Consider including more plant-based proteins in your diet

Many people believe that in order to get enough protein, you need to eat a lot of meat. But there’s increasing evidence that replacing animal proteins with plant-based proteins can be beneficial to your health.

For example, one study showed that because plant-based proteins are lower in fat and cholesterol than animal protein, consumption of them can help lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and overall cholesterol levels.

Of course, this doesn’t have to mean cutting out meat entirely, but considering reducing your intake could make a big difference – plus, you’ll also be helping the environment.

For some recipe inspiration, you might like to try some of these 40 plant-based protein recipes from Chatelaine.

Make sure you’re getting plenty of fibre

Research shows that fibre can have a positive impact on your cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. The NHS advise that adults should aim for at least 30g of fibre a day.

Foods high in fibre include wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereals, nuts and seeds, fruit and vegetables, oats and barley, and pulses such as beans, peas, and lentils.

Try using healthier cooking methods

As a general rule of thumb, fried foods tend to be higher in calories and trans fats because they’re often coated in oil, batter, or flour. Grilling, steaming, boiling, or poaching can be helpful cooking methods if you’re looking to reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in your diet.

If you love fried foods and this is sounding rather bleak to you, don’t worry – these healthy lifestyle changes don’t have to mean never eating your favourite foods again. It’s all about moderation.

If you’re seeking some cooking inspiration, head over to the food and drink or diet and nutrition sections of our website, where you’ll find everything from healthy baking ideas to tips on how to cook for the biggest health benefits.

3. Make exercise a normal part of your routine

Not only can regular exercise help you maintain a healthy weight, grow muscle, and reduce your risk of developing various medical conditions, but it’s also beneficial for heart health – including your cholesterol levels.

Research has revealed that aerobic exercise can aid healthy weight loss and have a positive effect on LDL cholesterol levels. For example, one study showed that when a person lost a kilogram of body weight, their LDL cholesterol was also reduced by about 0.8 mg/dL.

Unlike medications used to treat high cholesterol, aerobic exercise is a much easier (and even, enjoyable) way to control cholesterol levels – and doesn’t bring a list of possible side effects with it.

If you haven’t yet found a form of exercise that suits you, head over to the fitness and exercise section of our website where you’ll find everything from cycling and walking, to dancepilates, and Tai Chi

4. Say no to smoking

Research shows that people who smoke tend to have lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels than non-smokers. According to Heart UK, just three weeks after quitting, HDL cholesterol levels can rapidly increase and reduce a person’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke almost straight away.

Quitting smoking also has various other health benefits, including increased energy levels, improved breathing ability and circulation – making walking and running a lot easier – and a lowered risk of lung cancer.

If you currently smoke and would like help to quit, consider talking to your doctor about help-to-quit-smoking programmes, or about alternative methods you can use to stop smoking.

For more information about services to help you quit smoking, including different options, what to expect, and how to prevent relapse, you can visit the NHS website.

5. Take steps to reduce your stress levels

Too much stress can have a huge impact on our bodies and lead to headaches, heartburn, insomnia, depression, and high blood pressure. It can also impact our cardiovascular health and cholesterol levels.

For example, one study found that psychological stress can lead to increased levels of triglycerides and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and decreased levels of HDL (good cholesterol). This study also identified a link between people in high-stress jobs and unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Everyone experiences stress from time to time, but if you often find yourself in stressful situations – whether at work or at home – there are steps you can take to try and manage these feelings.

Different things work for different people – some might find it useful to get outside for some fresh air and spend time amongst nature, while others might prefer to connect with others, or re-centre their thoughts using techniques like mindfulness or deep breathing.

If you’re not sure what techniques to try to help manage your stress, there are plenty of ideas in our article; 7 tips for coping with stress and anxiety.

Should I consider taking medication to lower my cholesterol levels?

If lifestyle and diet changes aren’t making enough of a difference or if you’re at risk of having a heart attack or a stroke, then your doctor may consider prescribing you some medication to lower your cholesterol levels.

Statins are the most common medication for high cholesterol, but there are also other options that you can read more about on the Heart UK website.

Your GP or health practitioner will always be best placed to advise you based on your individual circumstances, but remember that it’s completely your choice whether you start taking any medication.

Final thoughts…

Everyone’s health is different, and for some people, healthy cholesterol levels will be more difficult to maintain.

While you should keep an eye on your cholesterol levels, try not to stress, and remember that having high cholesterol doesn’t automatically mean you’ll have a heart attack or stroke. It’s usually just an important indicator that you should be taking some steps towards a healthier lifestyle each day – and the best part is that you’ll also be looking after your entire wellbeing in the process.

If you’re worried about your cholesterol, would like to get a cholesterol test, or are seeking further medical advice, it’s best to book an appointment with your local GP or health practitioner.

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