Friday 13 November 2020

How weight loss and exercise can help with Type 2 diabetes


Chef Walter Potenza has quite the resume in Rhode Island. He’s a sought-after chef and the owner of a cooking school. He's competed on and won guy's grocery games on the Food Network.

"I won five times out of seven. I lost a couple, that happens."

He was chosen as part of an elite group of chefs for the Winter Olympics four times. It was the one in 2002 that proved to be a real eye-opener after he underwent a required medical exam.

"They found that I had elevated glycaemic numbers and so I was diabetic,” said Potenza

Diabetes can lead to a lot of potentially-deadly conditions,

"It's associated with heart disease and then the many diabetic complications including kidney disease, in particular, eye disease," said Dr. Rena wing

Dr. Wing was the lead researcher on a 16-year NIH-funded study called "Look Ahead." There were 5000 people from across the U.S. who took part. All of them had diabetes and were overweight.

"And what it showed was that if people could lose just even 10 to 15 pounds, they increase their chances of actually normalizing their blood sugar," Dr. Wing said.

Potenza’s diagnosis was a wake-up call.

"I could eat like two Kit Kats a day, an entire quart of ice cream. It's sickening," Potenza said. "The first thing that I did, I remember, was to lose weight."

He shed fifty pounds. That fat around the middle, says Dr. Wing, can put you at higher risk.

The general rule of thumb: your waist circumference. There should not be more fat there than there is around your hips.

Chef Walter has made big changes and his diabetes is under control.

So now he helps others - holding classes that look at healthier--diabetes-friendly-- ingredients, like this soup with chickpeas and savoy cabbage.

"Make sure that your diet has a good strong design that you can manage very well,” Potenza said.

As important as weight loss is, so is something else.

"Physical activity is equally important," said Dr. Potenza.

The American Diabetes Association also has a quiz you can take to gauge your risk of diabetes.

And, of course, your annual exam should include a test of your blood sugars, so you can spot trouble early and take action.

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