Wednesday 8 April 2020

Patients with diabetes at higher risk; how to stay healthy during the pandemic


Diabetes can cause dramatic swings in blood sugar levels, leading to potentially dangerous medical conditions. Endocrinologist Dr. Jason Sloane said people with elevated blood sugar levels need to be taking the coronavirus seriously.
"People who have blood sugar on average greater than 200 die at a significantly higher rate than everyone else." Dr. Sloane said.

For those with diabetes who have factors like their weight and blood sugar under control their risk of serious complications of the coronavirus is much lower, said diabetes advocate and author of the book Sweet Genes, Finding a Balance Living with Diabetes, Susan Sloane
"It appears their risk is not that much greater than the general population." Susan Sloane said.

If you're worried about your blood sugar, Dr. Sloane said you should always have a plan with your doctor and treatment should start in the kitchen.
"The first thing people can do, and they don't even need their doctor for this, improve their diet. So people with diabetes should limit their carbohydrates to about thirty grams of carbohydrates per meal." Dr. Sloane said.

Along with controlling your diet, Dr. Sloane recommends staying hydrated and checking your blood sugar frequently, and if you see spikes in our blood sugar, that could be an early warning that something is wrong.

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