Monday 27 January 2020

Signs Your Type 2 Diabetes is Getting Worse (And What to do About it)


Diabetes is a life-altering disease that impacts millions of people around the world. While it is a manageable condition with the right treatment plan, most fail to stick to it causing their health to get worse. Others, unfortunately, have no idea that they have diabetes and continue to live life as they always have. When blood sugar levels aren't carefully monitored and controlled, however, it can lead to a number of problems such as those listed below: 

High Blood Sugar Levels

One of the most obvious signs that your diabetes is out of control or getting worse is high blood sugar levels. When your glucose levels stay high on a regular basis, this is a tell-tale sign that you need to seek medical assistance.

How do you know when your blood sugar levels are too high? It is best to utilize a blood glucose monitor before and two hours after having a meal. If the numbers are consistently higher than 70-130 mg/dl and 180 mg/dl two hours later there are a few things you should do. First, contact your primary care physician to get the right dosage of insulin. Then, you may need to speak with a nutritionist to learn how to eat a diet that helps to keep your blood sugar levels under control.

Increased Infections

High blood sugar levels can increase a person's ability to develop infections. You may notice that you're having more ear infections, yeast infections, or urinary tract infections than usual. As infections are nothing to play around with, the first thing you want to do is get to your doctor to get some antibiotics. The longer you go without treatment, the higher your chances are of needing an amputation or developing sepsis which can be life-threatening. Take the antibiotics as prescribed and then work with your doctor to come up with an effective treatment plan and lifestyle changes going forward to better manage your diabetes.

Vision Problems

Over time, diabetes can wreak havoc on your eyes causing a number of problems. This is especially true for individuals who do not properly care for their diabetes. Essentially, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to what is known as diabetic eye disease. This is a group of eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, and more which can impair your vision. If you start noticing issues with your ability to see and you suffer from diabetes, it is imperative that you visit an ophthalmologist to get an exam and to discuss possible surgeries or treatment options to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Kidney Problems

High glucose levels can damage red blood vessels throughout the body and vital organs such as the kidney. When this happens kidney disease can develop. Signs of kidney disease might include a sudzy urine, pain in the lower back region, blood in the urine, or intense urinary tract infections. While some damage may already be done by the time you start experiencing these signs, you don't want to hold off getting medical treatment for your diabetes and kidney disease to prevent the matter from getting worse.

Numbness or Tingling Sensations

Prolonged high blood glucose levels can ultimately lead to nerve damage throughout the body. While it can happen anywhere, most people report numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet. This is often diagnosed as diabetic neuropathy which is a condition that can get progressively worse with time impacting daily function. Though the nerve damage cannot be reversed, there are things patients can do to prevent it from getting worse. This includes managing their blood sugar levels, taking medications as prescribed, managing their weight, taking care of their feet, eating a healthy diet, incorporating physical activity, and quitting bad habits like smoking which only makes nerve damage and pain worse.

Millions of people around the world are suffering from diabetes. There are those that become aware of the diagnosis and strive to make the necessary lifestyle changes to keep it under control and those who either undiagnosed or ill-informed on how to cope with or manage their diabetes. The ladder, unfortunately, end up suffering from conditions like those described above and more. To prevent things from getting worse, it is important to get informed, develop a treatment plan, and make the necessary lifestyle changes to keep your blood sugar levels under control.

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