Sunday 12 August 2018

Recently diagnosed with diabetes? This diet chart will make life easy

By Dr Sanjay Kalra

Have a hectic work schedule? Adjusting to changing meal patterns and maintaining diet control during long working hours can be challenging.

Here's a quick overview for diabetics with busy and varying schedules on what all they need to include in their diet to make their meals diabetes-friendly.

MORNING: Give yourself a good start

Include complex carbohydratesA large proportion of your breakfast meal should consist of complex carbohydrates such as whole grain cereals, semolina, fruit and vegetables, beans and lentils. These keep you full for longer, and prevent sharp rise in blood sugar.
Get in a protein source
Balance the carbohydrates on your plate with protein sources such as eggs, minced meat, dal and yogurt. Proteins get digested at a slower rate, and hence release energy throughout the day.

Take in plenty of fluids
Fresh fruit juice, milk and water are the preferred choices as they minimise the risk of dehydration. Coconut water is another good source of electrolytes with simple sugars and minerals, and can replenish water loss. A cup of tea will do no harm, but keep it sugar-free.

AFTERNOON: As the day wears on
Add fibre to your plateFood rich in fibre such as apples, bananas, apricots, leafy salad greens, barley chickpeas and oats provides a feeling of fullness, and prevents constipation.

Do not overeatIt is easy to overeat when you are rushed, hungry and dinner is still some time away. With diabetes, however, overeating can lead to hyperglycemia and weight gain, both detrimental to blood sugar control and diabetes management.

Watch your sugar intakeTraditional Indian food often includes items that are fried or have high oil content. In many cases, people like to end their lunch with a nice dessert. But diabetics should avoid deep-fried, oil-rich and heavily-sweetened items at all times.

EVENING: When the day is done
Limit intake of fast food and opt for 'quick fix' snacksAvoid evening snacks which include high-calorie, fat and refined carbohydrates. Stay away from food items such as samosas, pakoras, parathas, spring rolls and jalebis. 

Eat on timeDo not get carried away when socialising or when you're away from your daily home routine. Eat on time with small portions of fruit and vegetable salads, and steamed food items that include proteins and complex carbohydrates. This will avoid the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels) caused by the large meal gaps.

Remember to monitor your blood glucose levels regularly through the day and inform your doctor of any uneasiness or abnormality. If diabetics follow this meal plan, they can avoid major fluctuations in blood glucose levels, and live a healthy life.

(The author is Endocrinologist, Proprietor of Bharti Research Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology (BRIDE), Executive Editor of Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism)

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