Friday 19 May 2017

6 travel tips for diabetics to keep blood sugar in check


Everyone loves to travel and explore new places in summer vacation. However, for a diabetic going on a vacation could be tricky. A lot can go wrong while on a holiday: skipping of medications, untimely meals, dehydration – all of which can have an effect on the blood sugar levels, especially if you are travelling abroad or crossing different timelines. So for a person with diabetes, it is essential to pack the essentials first before the journey.
Here are some travel tips for people with diabetes by Dr Pradeep Gadge, leading diabetologist, Gadge Diabetes Centre.
1. Ensure proper insulin storage
Those taking insulin must make sure it is stored properly; an insulin cooling pouch is a must in summers. The fluctuation in temperature can harm the insulin storage. Not many are aware of this facility which makes it convenient for diabetics who are avid travellers. Those planning to travel overseas must carry essential documents that will provide permission to carry insulin syringes and other similar essentials in the flight.
2. Always carry a water bottle around
Keep a small water bottle filled when you are on the move. It is essential to keep yourself hydrated during summer, more so if you are a diabetic. People suffering from diabetes are more prone to dehydration due to high glucose in the blood and hence drinking at least two litres of water is essential. However, if there is an underlying health condition (like a kidney condition) that needs you to restrict your water intake don’t go overboard. Instead, plan your activities in a way, so you don’t get tired soon.
3. Take care of your feet
Since it is a given that you would be travelling a lot during your holidays, it is imperative that you take care of your feet. Foot injuries for a diabetic could be injurious. Specially designed socks and shoes are available for diabetics. These prevent injuries, but those who are planning trips to religious places must not walk barefoot for long and be extra careful to avoid injuries.
4. Keep your medicines handy
Not all countries or cities will have the same medicines that are required for diabetics. To ensure you do not miss out on any medications, it is essential to make a list and pack everything along with the prescriptions and receipts. Always carry adequate medicines that can be used for the entire duration of the trip.
5. Keep tab of your diet pattern
When your routine food pattern changes, it leads to fluctuations in sugar levels and hence precautions must be taken. Maintaining the diet is important as some countries serve food which is rich in carbohydrates and fluctuation in sugar levels is not advisable for diabetics. Hence, you should carry some healthy snacks made of ragi or oats to ensure you are not hungry. Always ensure to consume hygienic food to prevent gastro intestine infections, which are common for diabetics. Small packs of healthy snacks should always be handy as staying hungry, or long gaps between meals will affect the sugar levels.
6. Sleep enough
Travel could disturb your sleep cycle and cause jet lag. Remember jet lag can cause sugar fluctuations. So sleep well after you reach your destination and consult a doctor before taking a flight to ensure what is beneficial for your health.

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