Thursday 12 January 2017

7 Drinks That Fight Off Diabetes


Diabetes is one of those diseases that is more sneaky than you think. One day, you’re going along eating the foods you want and drinking the drinks you want and the next day, diabetes may be knocking at your door.  But the good news about this disease is that it is preventable. You can stop it.
Here is a list of how you can fight back simply by drinking the right liquids. This combined with a healthy lifestyle is like a one-two punch knockout to diabetes. Take a look below:
1. Chamomile Tea
No calories, big flavour, and a boatload of antioxidants have made chamomile tea trendy for health reasons, especially for diabetics. Research performed at the University of Toyama in Japan and Aberystwyth University in Wales suggests that regularly drinking chamomile tea may help lower blood sugar in addition to preventing complications including nerve and circulatory damage, kidney disease, and blindness that can occur due to the condition.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar Water
This is another great concoction to control blood sugar. It has been show to suppress complex sugar activity and improve insulin sensitivity after meals. It also aids in metabolism and weight loss, which are extra perks for diabetics.
You can drink a splash of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water mixed with lemon, lime, and cinnamon for better flavour. It also helps to add water for those with acid reflux.
3. Almond Milk
This drink is a favourite for those who are lactose intolerant. It just so happens that it can help lower blood sugar too. Buy the unsweetened version so you aren’t accidentally drinking added sugars. Throw in half a banana and a spoon of peanut butter to make a smoothie that will help stabilize fluctuating sugar.
4. Coconut Water
A better alternative to sports drinks is coconut water. It is great for a diabetic because it is low in sugar and is plenty rich in minerals and vitamins which actually work to stabilize sugar. It’s sweet, it’s light, can serve as the base for many great tasting smoothies. It’s honestly one of Mother Nature’s perfect drinks.
5. Black Tea
One Chinese study showed that black tea has the highest levels of polysaccharides, which slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. A new German study found, sipping three to four cups a day could lower the risk for developing diabetes by 16 percent. Tea may also help reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease.
6. Real Hot Chocolate
Now, we’re not talking the sugary, watered-down mess you may get from a local picnic. Make yourself some real hot chocolate with almond milk: it’s a fantastic excuse to indulge in chocolate. Cocoa has been shown to improve glucose metabolism and decrease blood pressure. Use highly nutritious, low-fat, low-sugar almond milk and add dark cocoa powder or melt down real dark chocolate.
7. Water
Yep, just plain, ol’ water. It might sound simple, but this drink is often overlooked. Water is life and since our body is made up of so much water, it’s only natural that keeping your body hydrated with it can help fight off a number of diseases, including diabetes.  Be sure to get in at least 4-6 glasses of water a day. You can even supplement that by eating foods high in water.

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