BEST supplements for diabetes: A healthy diet and keeping active are the best way to manage your blood sugar level when you have the condition. If you have type 2 diabetes, and this is being managed by diet and lifestyle alone, supplements can help to improve your glucose control.
Supplements can have a beneficial role to play in improving type 2 diabetes.
Some improve the production and release of the insulin hormone in the pancreas, some reduce insulin resistance in muscle and fat cells, so they are better able to absorb glucose. Others reduce the production of new glucose in the liver.
A few supplements even work by blocking the effect of gut enzymes to slow the release of glucose from food.
Cinnamon is believed to boost insulin-signalling pathways so that more glucose is absorbed from the circulation by muscle and fat cells, says Dr Brewer.She added: “Several studies suggest that cinnamon extracts can improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes. The results from 10 trials involving 543 people with type 2 diabetes found that cinnamon significantly lowered fasting glucose levels compared with placebo.
“In three trials involving cinnamon cassia, fasting glucose levels fell by between 10.3 per cent and 29 per cent with no significant changes in those on placebo.”
Cinnamon is believed to boost insulin-signalling pathways
Green tea
Green tea contains antioxidant polyphenols that offer several benefits for people with type 2 diabetes, according to Dr Brewer. Green tea extracts even appear to have an insulin-like action that may enhance insulin sensitivity.Dr Brewer explained green, black and oolong tea help to protect against diabetes by:
- Increasing insulin sensitivity
- Blocking digestive enzymes (pancreatic alpha-amylase and intestinal alpha glucosidases) which break down starchy carbohydrates, so that less glucose is absorbed after eating – this action is similar to that of the prescribed anti-diabetes drug, acarabose, which is classed as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
- Suppressing appetite and reducing food intake through effects on hormones such as ghrelin and adiponectin
- Inhibiting a metabolic enzyme (catechol-0-methyl transferase) to stimulate the amount of fat burned in cells so that you generate more heat – a phenomenon known as thermogenesis. Green tea extracts can boost the rate at which the body burns calories by as much as 40 per cent over a 24-hour period
Studies involving over 545,500 people have found that, compared with drinking no tea, the relative risk of developing type 2 diabetes is:
- 3 per cent lower if you drink one cup of tea per day
- 5 per cent lower for drinking two cups of tea per day
- 7 per cent lower for three cups of tea per day
- 10 per cent lower for drinking four cups of tea per day
- 12 per cent lower for five cups of tea per day
- 15 per cent lower for those drinking six cups of tea per day
Green tea contains antioxidant polyphenols that offer benefits